Intervallfasten für Anfänger: Tipps von Wissenschaftler: innen
Was ist Intervallfasten? Intervallfasten, auch bekannt als intermittierendes Fasten, beschreibt eine Ernährungsweise, bei der sich Essens- und...
Was ist Intervallfasten? Intervallfasten, auch bekannt als intermittierendes Fasten, beschreibt eine Ernährungsweise, bei der sich Essens- und...
Sport und körperliche Aktivität sind unverzichtbare Bestandteile eines gesunden Lebensstils. Während sowohl Frauen als auch Männer von Training und...
Ein umfassender Überblick über Erkrankungen, Ernährung und Lebensstil. Der demografische Wandel führt zu einer stetig wachsenden Anzahl älterer Men...
At a time when more and more people are paying attention to their health and nutrition, the demand for food supplements and fortified foods ...
Rosacea is a chronic skin disease that primarily affects the face and is characterized by redness, visible blood vessels and small pimples. Althoug...
Supplements, or dietary supplements, are products that aim to supplement the daily diet and can include vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids and ...
Crunchy, nutritious, full of enjoyment – and yet nuts still have a bad reputation. This is mainly due to the high calorie content of most nu...
You may be wondering how dietary supplements (DSSs) can affect your medications, especially if you are vegan and use DSSs to supplement your diet. ...
For centuries, all different cultures have used methods to preserve food, for example by pickling it in salt or fermenting it. In Asia, well-kn...
How adaptogens can help with stress management and performance optimization Adaptogens, a fascinating group of plant-based substances, have ...
Das Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum (MHD) ist vielen von uns vertraut, wenn es um Lebensmittel geht. Aber wusstest du, dass es auch bei Nahrungsergänzungs...
Better night's sleep: expert tips for optimal sleep Sleep is an essential part of human health and well-being. It plays a crucial rol...
Allergies are one of the most common chronic health problems worldwide. They result from the immune system's reaction to foreign substances, so-cal...
Probiotics have revolutionized the world of health in recent years. These tiny microorganisms that live in our gut have become real superstars, off...
Vitamin C and zinc are two essential nutrients found in many foods and are important for a variety of body functions. In recent years, combining th...
Vitamin D is also well-known for people who do not deal with vitamins and nutrients on a daily basis. This is mainly because vitamin D is one of th...
Strengthen your immune system according to the rhythm of the seasons: a holistic view of the factors and practical steps The gentle transiti...
The vegan diet offers numerous advantages, including health-related ones, by avoiding animal products. However, it can also be a challenge to adequ...
The Science of Timing Nutritional Supplements: Maximizing Health Through Smart Timing Dietary supplements are a mainstay of a healthy...
Micronutrient Interrelationships: Synergism The right combination of nutritional supplements for optimal nutrient absorption &nb...
Hashimoto's thyroiditis: A comprehensive look at the autoimmune disease and its impact on vitamin and mineral deficiencies Hashimoto'...
The 5 best tips - Magnesium for pregnant women Magnesium is involved in numerous processes in our body and is therefore indispensable for each o...
Essential oils can sterilize air The study by the University of Vienna dealt with essential oils in general, the possibilities of room sce...
Folic acid and B12 for improved brain function Scientists found that long-term supplementation of folic acid and vitamin B12 can improve b...