Origin and history of bamboo
Bamboo is a type of grass and is arguably the fastest growing plant in the world. A growth of 10cm per day is common, some species even grow up to 5cm per hour. The miracle tube not only grows quickly, it is also extremely stretchy and extremely stable and at the same time light as a feather. Thanks to its high flexural strength, it has been popular as a building material in China for thousands of years. In China there are bamboo bridges that have been spanning rivers for 1000 years. Bamboo houses are even considered earthquake-proof due to their high flexibility and elasticity.
People also use the strengthening properties of bamboo for their health. A thousand years ago, monks used bamboo (Bambusa arundinacea) to produce a silicon-rich substance called tabashir, which is still used today as a traditional remedy in Eastern medicine.
Bamboo - natural silicon for bone structure

Silicon is an important trace element, of which the human body contains about 1 to 2g.(1) In nature, silicon is never found in its pure form, but always in combination with oxygen as silicon dioxide. In combination with water it is called silicic acid. Bamboo is one of the best sources of natural silicon dioxide. Is is a real silicon accumulator,
because it needs silicon for its extreme strength and flexibility. Our body loses around 10-40mg of silicon every day through excretions, sloughing of the skin and cutting hair and nails. With age, the body's ability to absorb silicon decreases. (1) Therefore, the silicon content in the tissues decreases with increasing age. Appropriate nutritional supplementation can help to normalize silicon levels in the tissues again. (2)
Silicon is important for bone formation, it is characterized by a strengthening function. Primarily, silicon appears to promote the synthesis and stabilization of collagen. If there is a silicon deficiency, less collagen is formed in the bones (3). Collagen is the basic building material for bones and is important for bone formation. Just as steel girders support a building, collagen fibers form the supporting framework in bone. If a house lacks steel beams, it would crumble under even a small load. It's the same with bones: without collagen, they lose elasticity and become brittle.
Your daily need for silicon
So far there is no official recommendation for the daily silicon requirement. As a dietary supplement, an intake of 10-20 mg silicon per day is recommended. The natural silicon from bamboo is particularly well tolerated and can be easily absorbed by the body.
Study Findings: High dietary silicon intake improves bone health
Increased bone density plays a central role in bone formation and the prevention of osteoporosis.
Which AgilNature® products contain bamboo?
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DetoxAgil Tee |
- Holzer G, Holzer LA (2011): Silicon and its importance for bone metabolism. Swiss Journal of Nutritional Medicine 1/11: 34-37.
- Holzer G, Holzer LA (2008): Silicon in the therapy of osteoporosis. J Miner Metabolism. 2008; 15(2)
- Seaborn CD, Nielsen FH. (2002): Silicon deprivation decreases collagen formation in wounds and bone, and ornithine transaminase enzyme activity in liver. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2002 Dec; 89(3):251-61
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