Vitamine & Nahrungsergänzungsmittel by AgilNature®

FigurAgil aktiv

Saturation + metabolism turbo
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€399,78  per  kg
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Regulation of the natural body metabolism
Contents: 60 capsules - €0.31 per capsule | 10 days cure


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FigurAgil aktiv affects the energy metabolism , the fatty acid and carbohydrate metabolism . The glucomannan¹ it contains contributes to weight loss as part of a low-calorie diet.

Ingestion / Dosage

For 10 days - Take 2 capsules 3 times a day before each meal (6 capsules a day) with plenty of water


60 capsules for 10 days. €0.31 per capsule

Vitamins, minerals & plant extracts

100% vegan and highest quality. Our high quality Agil3+ formulations

Accelerate metabolism and lose weight healthily: why is it so important?

The better your metabolism is activated, the easier it is for you to lose weight and maintain your weight. With radical diets, there is often a risk that the dreaded yo-yo effect will occur after weight loss. For example, when you are on a starvation diet, your metabolism is reduced to a very low level and your body works on the back burner. As soon as you eat normally again, the body wants to make provision for renewed hunger times and stores the energy in the form of fat deposits. So what happens is exactly what you wanted to avoid. It is all the more important to keep your own metabolism high when you want to lose weight in order to lose weight sustainably and healthily and, above all, without the yo-yo effect. FigurAgil aktiv can support you in boosting your metabolism. Vitamin B1, B12 and copper support your normal energy metabolism. Zinc supports your normal fatty acid and carbohydrate metabolism. But successful weight loss requires other lifestyle changes. So jump into your sports clothes and go for a run or do some other sporting activity. It's best to make yourself a healthy, balanced meal afterwards! It is also helpful in reducing your stress level. For a few relaxing moments with a hot cup of tea, take a look at our tea range. Weight management with glucomannan: Due to its swelling capacity in the stomach, glucomannan can help to achieve a better feeling of satiety before the main meal. If the stomach already feels full at the beginning of the meal, you usually eat less. As a result, glucomannan can help with weight loss. However, it is important that your metabolism is activated, especially if you reduce your calorie intake.


Glucomannan is obtained from the tuber of the konjac plant, which comes from Asia. The tuber, about the size of a sugar beet, is crushed, dried and ground. In Europe, glucomannan is approved as a thickening and gelling agent with the additive number E425. Glucomannan is a soluble dietary fiber that can bind a lot of water. This causes glucomannan to swell into a firm gel. Due to its ability to increase its volume many times over in the stomach, glucomannan has a satiating effect and can therefore help with weight loss.

Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and normal psychological function. Vitamin B1 also supports normal energy metabolism and normal heart function.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 contributes to a normal energy-yielding metabolism and supports the normal functioning of the nervous system and normal mental function. Like iron, vitamin B12 supports the normal formation of red blood cells and the normal function of the immune system. Vitamin B12 contributes to the reduction of tiredness and exhaustion.


Zinc supports normal carbohydrate and fatty acid metabolism. cognitive zinc contributes to normal DNA and protein synthesis. Zinc also contributes to normal function, normal fertility and reproduction and normal acid-base metabolism. Zinc helps maintain normal hair, nails and skin, as well as normal bone structure and normal vision.


Copper contributes to a normal energy metabolism and supports the normal functioning of the nervous and immune systems. Copper contributes to the protection of cells against oxidative stress.

Green Coffee Extract

The unroasted coffee bean is called green coffee. Everyone is familiar with the roasted form of the coffee bean, but the unroasted version also has some valuable ingredients that we actively use in FigurAgil. Green Coffee Extract is a unique decaffeinated coffee extract made from unroasted green coffee beans. Numerous health-promoting effects have been ascribed to it for thousands of years.

Green tea extract

Everyone knows green and black tea. But do you also know what the difference is? Black tea leaves are fermented, green tea leaves are not. Therefore, the two types of tea also contain different ingredients. Green tea extract has been attributed numerous health-promoting effects for thousands of years.

Black Pepper Extract

Everyone has black pepper in their kitchen. However, the spicy-tasting spice can do more than just refine your dishes. FigurAgil aktiv contains BioPerine®, a valuable black pepper extract, which ensures high bioavailability. Because what is decisive is what the body can absorb and not just what is fed to it.

Who is FigurAgil aktiv a good choice for?

Would you like to lose weight without always feeling hungry? Would you like to boost your metabolism? Tired of yo-yo effects after radical diets? Are you looking for a dietary supplement that supports your metabolism in addition to physical activity and a healthy diet? Then FigurAgil aktiv is the right choice for you. Vitamin B1, B12 and copper support your normal energy metabolism. Zinc supports your normal fatty acid and carbohydrate metabolism.

Good to know:

How exactly does FigurAgil aktiv work?

FigurAgil aktiv contains glucomannan, valuable minerals, vitamins and plant extracts. FigurAgil aktiv contains 1 g glucomannan per serving (2 capsules). Glucomannan can bind a lot of water and thus increase its volume many times over in the stomach. Due to this property, glucomannan has a satiating effect and can therefore help with weight loss. The positive effect is achieved when 3 g glucomannan is taken daily in three portions of 1 g each in connection with 1-2 glasses of water before meals and as part of a low-calorie diet. In addition, FigurAgil is actively designed to support your metabolism. Vitamin B1, B12 and copper contribute to a normal energy-yielding metabolism. Zinc contributes to normal fatty acid and carbohydrate metabolism.

How does the feeling of satiety arise?

For one thing, the stomach sends satiety signals to the brain. Receptors in the stomach measure how much the stomach wall stretches and report this to the brain. On the other hand, there are also receptors in the intestine to regulate satiety, which measure which nutrients are ingested and in what quantity. Both factors contribute to whether we feel hungry or full. With the help of the information from the stomach and intestines, but also from the liver, the brain then controls which hormones the body releases. The hormones in turn, such as the hormone leptin, then create the feeling of satiety. You can positively influence your feeling of satiety if you eat slowly and chew the food well. It is also helpful to drink with meals and to start with a smaller portion. The feeling of fullness usually only sets in after about 20 minutes.

What should I actively watch out for while taking FigurAgil?

In general, it is advisable to actively adjust your diet and lifestyle while taking FigurAgil. See the section “Should I change my diet at the same time?”. It is important that the specified consumption quantity should not be exceeded. In addition, no other dietary supplements containing zinc should be taken. AgilNature products also contain piperine. There are a few pointers to bear in mind: Notes on BioPerine®

How do I recognize that my metabolism is not sufficiently stimulated?

Metabolism refers to all processes in which the nutrients supplied with food are broken down in the cells, converted and built up into new products. The processes are vital and ensure that the cells are supplied with all the important nutrients. The following symptoms can indicate that your metabolism is not working optimally or is working more slowly: Weight gain: If you haven't changed your diet and exercise habits, but you still gain weight unexpectedly, this could be due to an underactivated metabolism. Tiredness, hair loss, headaches, mood swings or difficulty concentrating can also indicate a slowed metabolism. However, since the symptoms are very non-specific, they can also have another cause. If you have already been on a diet and then often struggle with the annoying yo-yo effect, this can also be a sign that your metabolism was not sufficiently activated during your reduced calorie intake.

Should I change my diet at the same time?

Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. In general, it is always advisable to ensure a balanced and varied diet. If you would like to consciously support your body with your goals through nutrition, then I have a few tips for you here: As already mentioned, a varied diet is important. But what does it exactly mean? Varied means making your diet as colorful and varied as possible. Vary between different mostly plant-based foods and supplement with animal sources. Integrate valuable fats and fiber. Vegetable oils such as olive oil or rapeseed oil are considered to be valuable fats, but marine fats or nuts are also considered healthy. Dietary fibers are mainly found in fruits and vegetables, as well as in whole grains. According to DGE recommendations (German Society for Nutrition), your daily diet should include at least 3 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruit a day. Choose whole grains instead of white flour. Enjoy meat in moderation, but most people are more than welcome to eat fish more often. drink enough Water and unsweetened tea are best for this. Avoid soft drinks. It also makes sense to avoid sweets and fast food. It is best to cook yourself. Use fresh ingredients for this. Yes, this does take some time, but it's the best way to decide what ends up on your plate and combine what you really like. To preserve the nutrients, you should heat fruit and vegetables for as little time as possible, but for as long as necessary. Therefore, stewing and steaming are very good methods of preserving nutritional content. Meat and fish, on the other hand, should always be cooked through. At best, you should avoid frying or other types of preparation that contain fat, as they not only contain large amounts of mostly unfavorable fats, but also harmful substances such as acrylamide. But not only the composition of what ends up on your plate is decisive, the way you eat the food is also relevant. Take your time to eat. Enjoy it and make sure to chew well. But everyday stress also paralyzes our digestion. Take time for yourself in everyday life. Short moments of relaxation with a cup of tea are particularly suitable. Take a look at our tea blends. Also, nothing boosts your metabolism like exercise. Short daily walks are a good place to start.

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